The Business Credit and Financing Show

Podcast by Ty Crandall

Episode: 761

Tim Redmond: How to Create a High Performance Team

Ty Crandall Interviews Industry Leaders

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Tim Redmond: How to Create a High Performance Team

Tim Redmond is the CEO of Redmond Growth Consulting, an organization designed to help you grow your profits, grow your business and grow your life through Tim’s innovative coaching process. 

With his extensive business experience, Tim and his team will bring you through a process to significantly develop your marketing, lead generation, closure rates, cash flow, leadership, decision-making, team- building skills. 

He is the accountability partner who will keep you focused on your highest and best use. You and your profits will grow and your business will be a powerful venue to live your purpose.

During the show we discuss:

  • Why Building a High-Performance Team is Essential
  • How to Get the Best Performers to Join Your Team
  • How to Set the Culture for Your Company 
  • How to Unleash Growth as a Leader
  • Why Your Attitude is the Basis of Your Culture
  • Why Staff Hero Stories Help Establish a Winning Culture
  • How to Develop a Mission and Purpose that Your Team Will Rally Behind 
  • How to Avoid Costly Mistakes Even Smart People Make
  • How to Get and Keep Quality Team Members 
  • How and Why to Remove Low Performers from Your Team
  • The Best Qualities in Someone to Look for Before You Hire
  • Why You Should Hire for Attitude and Train for Skill
  • The Best Interview Questions to Ask to Attract Winning Team Members 
  • How to Retain Top Talent So They Want to Stay Working with You
  • The Missing Ingredient that Mediocre Teams Lack and High Performance Teams Embrace
  • How to Create Huge Results for You & Your Team
  • How to be Effective at Getting Quick and Lasting Results with Business Owners and Their Businesses
  • The Biggest Mistakes Business Owners Make that Stop Their Growth and Reduce Their Profits

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