The Business Credit and Financing Show
Podcast by Ty Crandall
Episode 640:
Kelley Cunningham: How to Invest in Yourself & Build a Better Future
Ty Crandall Interviews Industry Leaders
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See How to Invest in Yourself & Build a Better Future
Kelley Cunningham: How to Invest in Yourself & Build a Better Future
Kelley Cunningham, is a Life coach, motivator, and Author. The powerful energy of joy lifted her spirit to soar in spite of the fact that her family’s perfect life abruptly vanished the moment her incredible husband Jeffery, amazing dad to their three awesome kids, love at first sight-soul mate—suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI). At the same time as his 27-month road to recovery, a series of overwhelming life circumstances and tragedies tried their hardest to suffocate her faith with fear and steal her joy through sorrow. But she fiercely fought back!
Through the course of Jeffery’s recovery, she certified as a professional life coach and started JoyINC Incorporated. She steadily growing an organic social media platform with over 6k followers on Instagram. She had been invited as a “Joy Expert” to speak in several podcasts, interviewed live by an Instagram account with 46k+ followers & their interview was one of her highest viewed) She was featured in the online magazine—Positivity. As well as being invited to write a piece in the published book— Unzenable.
During the show we discuss:
- Investing in yourself
- Why invest in yourself first before investing in a business
- The impactful ways to invest in yourself
- What can developing your skills do to your life and business
- The different ways to develop yourself
- Is a life coach necessary
- How to realistically set your goals
- How to find motivation in what you do
- How important is giving yourself a break
- How can health affect your life and business
- Tips in investing in your physical health
- The benefits of being optimistic in business
- The benefits of being future-oriented
- Strategies to invest in your future
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