The Business Credit and Financing Show

Podcast by Ty Crandall

Episode: 818

Justin Buonomo: How to Navigate Your Path to Financial Liberation

Ty Crandall Interviews Industry Leaders

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Your Journey to Financial Freedom Starts Now

Justin Buonomo: How to Navigate Your Path to Financial Liberation

Justin Buonomo is the President and CEO of Journey to Financial Freedom, whose 'Financial Foundations' program has rapidly become one of the most successful financial coaching programs in the United States.

Originally from Rochester, New York, Justin is an accomplished academic and former All-American lacrosse player who holds a Master's in Healthcare Management from Stevenson University. His expertise spans finance, economics, accounting and healthcare management from his leadership roles at Johns Hopkins Medicine and as an adjunct professor.

Justin is on a mission to improve financial literacy through personalized one-on-one coaching. His 6-week 'Financial Foundations' program provides customized budgeting solutions to help families and businesses master their finances. He aims to expand the program's impact through group coaching and courses.

During the show we discuss:

  • What Motivated Justin to Start Journey to Financial Freedom
  • How Justin’s Own Mindset or Approach to Money Management Evolved Over Time, and the Lessons He Has Learned Along the Way
  • The Key Principles or Strategies for Individuals Looking to Improve Their Financial Literacy and Take Control of Their Finances
  • The Common Misconceptions About Achieving Financial Freedom
  • How Important It is for Individuals to Set Financial Goals, and Tips to Setting Achievable Goals
  • The Role that Your Mindset Plays in Achieving Financial Freedom, and How Individuals Can Cultivate a Positive Financial Mindset
  • The Common Obstacles or Challenges People Face on Their Journey to Financial Freedom, and How They Can Overcome Them
  • How Individuals Can Effectively Manage and Reduce Debt, Especially in Today’s Economic Climate
  • Practical Tips for Creating and Sticking to a Budget
  • How to Navigate the Balance Between Enjoying Life Now and Saving for the Future
  • The Best Practices for Building and Maintaining an Emergency Fund
  • Passive Income Streams that People Can Explore
  • Beginner-Friendly Investment Options Justin Recommends
  • Key Principles or Factors to Consider When Building an Investment Portfolio
  • What JFF’s FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) Movement Is, and How Can Individuals Pursue It
  • How to Stay Motivated and Disciplined on Your Financial Journey, Especially During Challenging Times
  • How to Stay Informed About Changes in the Financial Landscape and Adapt Their Strategies Accordingly
  • Justin’s Advice to Individuals Who are Just Starting Their Journey to Financial Freedom

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