The Business Credit and Financing Show

Podcast by Ty Crandall

Episode: 819

Mark Kohler: How to Keep More of Your Hard-Earned Money Through Tax Planning

Ty Crandall Interviews Industry Leaders

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Mark Kohler: How to Keep More of Your Hard-Earned Money Through Tax Planning

Mark Kohler is an acclaimed tax and legal expert who is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and small business owners achieve financial success. As the Founding and Senior Partner at KKOS Lawyers, Kohler specializes in tax, legal, wealth, estate planning, and asset protection services. He is celebrated for his commitment to nurturing the American Dream of his clients by expertly guiding them through complex legal, regulatory, and financial laws.

In addition to his law firm, Kohler serves as the Chief Financial Officer and sits on the Board of Directors for the Directed IRA Trust Company. He co-hosts two popular podcasts, "The Main Street Business Podcast" and "The Directed IRA Podcast," where he discusses legal and tax strategies, asset protection, retirement, investing, and wealth building in an engaging way. Kohler is also the author of multiple books aimed at empowering business owners.

Through his work, speaking engagements, training programs and online presence, Mark Kohler has become a renowned influencer in the finance and business world. His mission is to provide comprehensive knowledge and practical guidance to small business owners on structuring their businesses, assets, investments, and estates to maximize growth and legally build wealth. Kohler is truly dedicated to empowering the main street business owner to achieve their American Dream.

During the show we discuss:

  • How Understanding Tax Laws Can Benefit a Business Owner
  • The 5 Best Tax Tips You’ve Never Heard Of
  • The Common Misconceptions Business Owners Have About Taxes
  • The Role Tax Planning Plays in a Business’ Overall Financial Strategy
  • Key Tax Planning Strategies Business Owners Should Implement at the Start of the Year
  • How Business Owners Can Optimize Their Expenses to Maximize Tax Benefits
  • The Most Overlooked Tax Deductions for Business Owners
  • How the Choice of Business Structure Affects Tax Planning
  • The Tax Planning Considerations for a Business That is Thinking About Structure Change
  • The Recent Tax Law Changes that Business Owners Should be Aware of
  • How Changes in Tax Laws Affect Small Business Owners, and What They Should Do to Stay Compliant
  • When Should Business Owners Consider Hiring a Tax Professional
  • Mark’s Recommended Resources for Business Owners to Stay Informed About Tax Strategies and Changes in Tax Law

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